The bestseller author provides 18 items to do on Martin Luther King's Day to transform it into a National Day of Service.
Let me help you. Number 9, Seth says, "Start a Facebook group for like-minded people who support the same non-profit you do. Commit to spending time to promote it, organize the people there and actually create outcomes of value."
I setup a Facebook Cause, Ending Extreme Poverty in the Congo. Now, all you have to do is join it, promote it, organize and create an outcome of value with the 400+ members.
Seth's Blog: National Day of Service.
National Day of Service
Monday, January 19 is Martin Luther King Day. And wonderfully, instead of adding yet another shopping day to the calendar, it's being transformed to a day of service.
If every person in the US spent an hour doing something selfless, useful and leveraged, what would happen? What if you and your circle committed to doing it an hour a day for a year? 300 million hours is a lot of hours for just one day, a year of that would change everything.
While I applaud stopgap contributions like helping out in a soup kitchen (where labor and supplies are really needed), I wonder how those that are lucky enough to be web savvy can create work that really adds leverage. What if you did one of these things every day?
Here (the article provides a list of 18 items) are some ideas that you can do online or in your community, with time, not so much with money.